Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Converted Lord on Juggernaut

$30 (retail $35)

 After first seeing the Juggernaut model, I knew I wanted one. But, loving the decay of Nurgle, I found it hard to settle for a lord of Khorne. So I decided on a compromise! I present to you my very own creation... The Lost Disciple of Khorne.

In the torrent of blood and war, this lord fought bravely. But strength and rage cannot protect you from the unnatural forces of decay. After suffering a non-fatal wound in the heat of battle, Nurgle sent forth his plague to smite the brave warrior. His cut began teeming with scum and filth. Even his iron mount had begun to rust and wither. When he had finally succumb to the powerful insanity of death and decay, he hungered only for sickness. He would demand brutal bloodshed no more. He sought only to blight the world with Papa Nurgle's rotting gifts. He would forever be feared among men and Gods alike as the Pariah of Filth, The Lost Disciple of Khorne.

I magnetized the scythe to make him easier to transport. This model is my pride and joy. I hate to part with it, but times are tight. Hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I have! It was a blast to convert.

Lord of Nurgle

$15 (retail $30)

All pieces for this model are included in purchase (including the base). this model is only primed aside fromt he sword and buckler which attach to his back, which have been lightly painted.

Lord on Daemonic Mount

$20 (retail $38)

Another awesome sculpt, this Lord on Daemonic mount comes primed and slightly painted boltgun over metal parts on the mount. The lord's head has been attached but all other pieces remain as new including the little spiky bits for the horse collar (not pictured).


$25 (retail $50)

The horse (Dorgar) has been assembled and primed while the rest of the model is only primed. This is the original metal cast which adds some much needed weight to such a grand figure (Finecast Archaon just seems too light to kick ass).

20 Chaos Marauders (nurgle)

$20 (retail $35)

 This unit of Marauders is fully painted in the colors of Nurgle. Each individual figure is unique and no 2 are painted exactly alike. The unit is not all equipped the same. There is a musician, a standard bearer with a shield, 7 marauders with a hand weapon and shield, 4 with 2 hand weapons, and 3 with two-handed weapons.

19 Chaos Marauders (unpainted)

$20 (retail $35)

 Yes, I know... "19?!?!". well it appears I used one on a warshrine project that I had in mind. I still have the other Marauder if you are interested. let me know! The majority of the unit is only based.as far as equipment, 1 is a standard bearer with a hand weapon, 5 have 2 hand weapons, 4 have two-handed weapons (flails and a custom built large axe!), 9 have single hand weapons and are ready to be equipped with shields. I left off the shields when I built them so I could customize the shields later. All shield bits included with purchase.

Custom built great axe! while very simple, I think it fits the fluff. I wish more marauders could tote around huge axes.

12 Warriors (nurgle)

$20 (retail $35)

I fashioned these guys in the image of Papa Nurgle, but they can be easily fitted to suit any warrior need! This was my very first miniature unit, so I was indecisive on the equipment. As such, 4 warriors are equipped with shields while the other 8 have 2 hand weapons.